Everyone thinks of Gothic drawings as a darker form of art, and understandably so too. With most depictions of Gothic drawings including skulls, skeletons, dark colors and what have you, it’s easy to see why this is the case.
But Gothic drawings and Gothic art, in general, have far more purist origins. While it’s true that Gothic artwork was first associated with barbarism, over time, it came to incorporate various forms of art we regard as classical today.
In medieval Rome, many artworks depicting Biblical new testament texts were Gothic!
Enough of the history class. You’re here because you need to get some Gothic drawings done. Let me show you how you can do just that.
How to get Gothic drawings
To get a Gothic drawing made, you need to commission an artist whose art style is Gothic. I just mentioned that Gothic art style is not always the dark, moody and gloomy stuff you’re accustomed to, that’s more a representation of 21st century Goth culture.
But all that said, if you’re here, you’re probably looking to get that dark and moody Goth stuff.
There are several places to find artists specializing in the ‘dark arts’ online. And I’ve used quite a few. In my experience, the best place to commission a Gothic artist remains Fiverr (or Upwork).
Fiverr’s a freelance marketplace and while I cannot say it hosts the most talented Gothic artists ever, what I can say is that it houses some really talented artists, and the platform makes the process of commissioning a Gothic drawing super easy.
You can head on to the Fiverr Gothic drawing marketplace right now. Or if you’d rather skip the hassle of making a pick from the Gothic drawing artists on the platform, feel free to use my recommended list of Gothic artists you can hire for a Gothic drawing commission.
Top recommended artists for Gothic drawings
Amaya_maria: best overall

Hire this artist now on Fiverr.
There’s so much to love about Amaya’s Gothic drawings and so very little to hate (actually nothing I’ve so far to hate). Her work is majorly contemporary ‘dark-themed Gothic artwork spiced up with a splash of creative genius and masterful art storytelling.
It’s soulful, it’s inspiring, and it’s shrouded in an air of mystery to the untrained eye. When you want it to go up a notch into the haunting/terrifying territory, this artist has the artistic depth to bring out the most sophisticated imageries in her artwork and beautifully too.
With each stroke, Amaya minifies intricate themes and cryptic imagery into her canvass. She’s good with the details, and her mastery of ornamental art – especially that leaning into the ‘dark side’ – is pretty much unrivalled.
If you want a solid Gothic drawing with all the picturesque imagery, detailing and shading, you’ll be hard-pressed to find another freelance Gothic artist with works that stand up to Amaya’s portfolio. She’s really that good, and her degree in Arts from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina lays further credence to her professionalism.
Darkyrie: best for mystic Gothic drawings

Hire this artist now on Fiverr.
Darkyrie is my preferred Gothic artist for Gothic drawings where mysticism and ‘abstractism’ take center stage. His work is everything you image contemporary dark Gothic art to be – red, dark blacks, mystic symbolism, and eerie gothic lettering. There’s a whole lot of skeletons, crows and skulls thrown in there as well.
But it’s not thrown in just for the sake of throwing it in. Much like what Amaya does, Darkyrie’s Gothic drawings are a signature blend of creativity, idealism and intricate thought synthesis put on paper.
It’s everything you want in mystic Gothic art in the right amounts, in the right places and in the right art style. There’s a bit of youthful flair with this artist’s work, but it’s a stylistic vibe that infuses much-needed vibrancy into the otherwise gloomy outlook of Gothic drawings.
If you’re looking for Gothic drawings with some pomp and pizzazz to spice up the gloomy and dark stuff a little bit, then this is your artist. Their work is intriguing in a refreshing way, and that’s something say for Gothic art.
Alexvintagee: best for spooky Gothic drawings

Hire this artist now on Fiverr.
If you’d rather take it up a notch and bring true horror and spookiness to life in a Gothic drawing, then you’re better off commissioning Alex.
Alex puts the spook in spookiness; her Gothic artwork could form the basis of a screenplay for a horror movie, and that’s putting it mildly. They pack in enough sophistication and abstraction to give off that signature eerily spooky vibe.
She’s been making this type of art for well over ten years now, and the depth of experience shows in how ‘mature’ her Gothic drawings come out to be.
Every character and every frame matches seamlessly into her usually interwoven canvass. There’s a sense of completeness in her Gothic drawings, with all phases of her artwork fully developed and integrated into the picture.
This is the artist for all your horror storytelling.
There are many other Gothic artists with unique styles available for Gothic drawing commissions on the Fiverr marketplace. If you’ve got some special needs in a Gothic drawing, feel free to check them out by using this link.
How to enjoy Gothic drawing showcases
If you’re just looking for someplace to feed your Gothic art fan spirit with some Gothic drawings, I’ve got you covered.
Most exhibitions for Gothic drawings at popular art sites rarely showcase the dark, moody type you’re probably looking for, which is why I’ve dug deep to unearth some of the stunning gothic art pieces on alternative art platforms.
1. Deviantart
Deviantart is my number one go-to place for scrolling through and immersing myself in Gothic art mastery. The platform hosts some really stellar Gothic artists and their correspondingly amazing Gothic drawings. Every theme is well represented and usually all you need to do to get to exactly the kind of Gothic drawing you’d want it to use the search filter.
Head on straight to the Gothic drawing collection on Deviantart by clicking this 🔗 link.
And here are some outstanding artists with a flair for Gothic art on Deviantart:
- 🔗 Sandrine
2. Artstation
Artstation is another platform with a huge goldmine of Gothic drawings available for sightseeing. There are, however, fewer Gothic artwork on the platform compared to Deviantart, but you get what I’ll describe as very refined Gothic drawings from very experienced Gothic artists.
Check out the Artstation Gothic drawing feed 🔗 here.
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find a Gothic voodoo doll drawing?
If you’re looking for a Gothic voodoo doll drawing for sightseeing, check out 🔗 this one by Ursula on Deviantart.
If you need a Gothic voodoo doll drawing for personal or commercial use, you need to commission a Gothic artist to piece one up for you. Check out 🔗 my recommended Gothic artist for Voodoo dolls commission by clicking this link.
Where can I find a Gothic raven drawing?
If you need a Gothic raven drawing just for show, check out this 🔗 Gothic raven drawing page on Deviantart for a showcase of some of the best raven drawings you can find anywhere online.
For a Gothic raven drawing you can use personally or commercially, check out 🔗 this Gothic artist to see if they’re available for a commission right now.
Images on showcase platforms like Deviantart and Artstation are subject to copyright laws, so not exactly available for personal or commercial use except with express permission from the creator.