Guide to hiring a manga artist on Fiverr

I’ve talked about all the places you could hire manga artists but Fiverr is the one place most people eventually turn to for their manga art needs. The reasons are simple, compared to most other platforms, it’s way easier (and cheaper) to hop onto Fiverr and straight-up hire an artist.

If you’re about to hire a manga artist on Fiverr but still require some clarifications or outright recommendations of top manga artists on Fiverr, then this guide is for you. 

First thing first, can you hire a good manga artist on Fiverr?

I’ll start by saying Fiverr is not the absolute best place to hire the most skilled manga artists online. That title goes to Artstation.

That said, Fiverr is still ONE of the best places to hire manga artists online, mainly because it’s easy to hire a manga artist on a whim and also because, for the money you pay, you get excellent manga art.

In hiring a manga illustrator on Fiverr, however, you need to be careful to not fall victim to the many amateurs on the platform.

I cover the specifics of all you need to successfully shop for a skilled manga artist on Fiverr in 🔗 my guide to hiring a manga artist.

Finding a skilled manga artist on Fiverr

Unlike most other freelancer categories, the manga section is not overstaffed, so selecting a fitting manga artist is not so much of a chore.

Start by searching for an artist

Use the tips I outlined in 🔗 my manga hiring guide to filter through for a perfect fit.

Basically, you want a manga artist on Fiverr who:

📋 Has quality portfolio samples that correspond to the kind of manga art you need. It’s even better if they have active portfolio pages on portfolio sites like Deviantart or Artstation.

⚖ Has a good enough review profile. One nice perk of hiring a manga artist on Fiverr is that you get to check out reviews of past clients. This can really shed light on what working with the manga artist feels like. You need to be careful anyway with reviews on Fiverr, as they can be faked.

Describe your requirements and ask for a quote

By now, you should have a shortlist of fitting prospective hires. It is a good idea to contact multiple artists on Fiverr with an explanation of what you need done. Request a quote and compare to see which best fits you in alignment with how solid their profile is.

I usually advocate paying quality money on Fiverr to get quality work done. In my experience, cheap almost always translates to cheaply made stuff. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean the best manga art will come from the most expensive manga artist.

What you want to do is weigh everything together and select based on how solid their profile is while being conscious of artists who’ll attempt to lure you in with dirt-cheap pricing.

Sign a contract

If you’re looking to hire a manga artist for a significant commission, say a multipage story you plan on publishing, you need to set up a detailed contract. In that contract, define the terms of the job, who owns the copyrights (which should be ideally you), and lines of action if something goes wrong.

How much should you expect to pay for a manga art piece

For a general summary of what it’d cost to get a typical manga art commission see the pricing segment of my review of the best manga sites online.

On Fiverr, expect to pay;

💰 Up to $40 for the typical single art commission.

💰 Up to $80 for a colored manga art piece with one or two characters.

💰 Up to $150 for a colored multicharacter single piece.

💰 Up to $1000 for a single page storyboard.

💰 Up to $10,00 for a full-on multipage storyboard.

It could be cheaper or more expensive depending on the skill and experience of the manga artist. So use this as a reference only.

Any recommendations for top manga artists on Fiverr

I used all I’ve outlined in this guide and in 🔗 my guide to hiring a manga artist to make this selection. I’m sure if you followed the steps I outlined, you’d most likely land on the gig pages of one or two artists on this list.

Nevertheless, for anyone who’d rather skip the hassle, here’s my list of recommended manga artists available for hire on Fiverr.


As far as skill and talent go, this is probably one of the most talented manga artists on Fiverr. His portfolio samples and samples from the work he’s completed on Fiverr speak volumes about the quality of manga art you can expect.

His work is clean, sophisticated and, very importantly, original. Unlike the many manga artists, you’ll meet online, Drawnk’s artworks are hand-drawn, not conjured up using templates from manga art-making tools. Finding a manga artist who does hand-drawn work at this price point is one thing; finding one who’s as skilled with hand-drawn art as this dude is as rare as you can imagine.

Even better and, again, unlike most other manga artists, there’s no discrimination with this artist. Whatever style or type of manga art you want to commission, be it erotica, NSFW or even straight-up porn, he’s very much open to taking them.

If you wanted manga art in its pure, unadulterated form with some insane detailing and character profiling, this is your manga artist.


Syyn is the Fiverr choice artist for the manga segment. The Fiverr choice badge is reserved for artists on Fiverr who’ve consistently performed greatly both in terms of the quality of their work and their customer relationship.

I love this artist’s designs for the creative flair they pack. You get really engaging colors and an overall endearing style of manga art. It’s cutesy when it needs to be and beautifully sophisticated if the need is.

Syyn’s work also stands out for the level of detailing, shading and texturing that goes into each piece. While Drawnk’s manga art primarily focuses on the character, with Syyn, you get art that fills the canvass, and fills it with dutifully detailed elements.

Backgrounds are nicely textured to give more depth to the overall picture, and there’s a sense of all-roundedness with most of their artwork. You’ll love it if you’re planning to commission landscape, descriptive and showcase-style manga art pieces.


Aruvhie is my preferred manga artist for creating manga storyboards and comic strips. Their work encompasses everything from:

📍 Shounen manga

📍 Shoujo manga

📍 Cutesy manga

📍 Fan manga requests

Aruvhie has a way to translate written storylines into captivating manga storyboards. You get character and spatial art detailing in their storyboards that never fails to carry all the details.

This artist is skilled at depicting all the human feelings, moods and appearance in traditional manga art. His work is always on point in conveying the message. And not just convey the message, but do so in an immersive, thematically relevant way.

If you’ve got a story to tell with manga art, this is your Fiverr manga artist. On Fiverr, Aruvhie is a rare talent since there are not many manga artists capable of creating manga storyboards on the platform.

I usually recommend heading on to Artstation if you’re serious about getting a manga storyboard, panel, or comic made. But Artstation manga artists will charge you x5 the going rate of this artist without so much improvement in quality. At $30 per panel, it’s an absolute steal of a deal.

What happens if your manga artist on Fiverr fails to deliver?

In the very unlikely case where a Fiverr manga artist fails to deliver as per the agreement, you can file a dispute. In that dispute, you have the option to request a rework or outright refund.

For a refund to go through on first asking, it has to be accepted by the manga artist. If the artist fails to accept the request, you can escalate to Fiverr’s support team. Provided you’re well within your rights, you should get a full refund.

To conclude

Hiring a manga artist on Fiverr is about as easy as it can get. With the range of options you have, Fiverr is also the place to go if you’ve got special manga art needs.

The only requirement for making your hire a successful one is being diligent enough to follow the steps I’ve outlined in this guide to hiring a Manga artist on Fiverr.