Hiring a freelance motion graphic designer – what you need to know

Video is increasingly one of the best ways to attract attention, and one of the best forms of attention-grabbing video content is motion graphics.  Whether for the pure purpose of engagement or for driving conversions, most experts will tell you, your content outreach strategy is never truly complete if it doesn’t include some form of video content.

I agree. But if you’ve never done video before, you’re probably wondering how to produce your first video content. Well, that’s what freelance motion graphic designers are for. In this guide, I detail how to go about hiring your first freelance motion graphics designer.

The hiring pitfall

Most persons looking for a motion graphics designer simply head to Google or a freelance website and type in ‘hire motions graphics designer.’ While that approach would certainly land you on the doorstep of a motion graphics designer, it is, at best, very naïve.

You see, there’s literally 100s of types of motion graphics design, and the best one for A might not really work for B. What am I saying – you need to understand your needs, your budget, target audience and all of that stuff before heading on to find a motion graphics designer and not the other way round.

Defining your needs

image showing the importance of motion graphics
Motion graphics plugs in nicely to every aspect of your growth strategy
  • What do you need motion graphics for?
  • Is it for marketing and promotions?
  • Do you need to explain a product or service?
  • Are you looking to boost engagement on, say, a website landing page or social media channel?

Your needs dictate the type of motion graphic content and invariably the motion graphic artist you should hire. Great freelance motion graphic designers are usually niche-specific!

Types of motion graphics

There are countless types of motion graphics. It’ll be exceeding the scope of this piece to talk about all of them, so Instead, what I’ll do is run you through the most popular options – the kind that most marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners use.

Explainer videos

Image showing a sample explainer video
Explainer videos quite literally ‘explain’ things to your audience

Explainer videos are, well, animated videos that explain stuff. What they do is take what’s usually a complex topic or process and break it down into bite-sized, easily understandable pieces presented as a catchy animation with popping colors and an engaging voice-over narration. The (catchy) animation sequence used in an explainer video is very important. It is what attracts the viewer and captures their imagination. It is what guarantees engagement.

What is it good for

  • Explainer videos for products or services
  • Explainer videos for business process
  • Guides and walkthroughs
  • Brand storytelling

Product marketing videos

image showing the importance of product marketing videos
Product marketing videos help you sell better

Product marketing videos are essentially explainer videos with a primary intent to sell. So while explainer videos attempt to explain, product marketing videos try to sell a product or services. This difference is granular, and product marketing videos are often simply lumped in the same basket as explainer videos.

Like explainer videos, product marketing videos are animation based. However, it’s not uncommon to see human life elements incorporated into one – most product marketing videos are mixes of animation and real-life video content.

What’s it good for

  • Product marketing
  • Product advertising

Short films

Image showing the importance of shortfilms
Short films are a better way to tell a story

You can think of short films as motion graphics produced in the style of a documentary. Short films are usually longer than most other forms of motion graphics. They serve several purposes but rarely is the intent to sell or promote something – most times, they’re informative, educative or for entertainment.

What’s it good for

  • Brand awareness videos
  • Product awareness videos

Animated logos              

Image showing the importance of animated logos
Animated logos provide an extra ‘pop’ that serves to make logos more attractive

Your brand logo can incorporate some form of motion graphics to become an animated logo. The goal with animated logos is to create a representation of your brand that’s even better at grabbing users’ attention.

What is it good for?

  • Interactive, eye-catching logos


Not all GIFs are motion graphics, but for the ones that are, you’re usually dealing with very short animated content designed to give extra meaning to a particular context, situation or content. The best GIFS are usually made out to be fun and witty, often incorporating very creative style elements.

What is it good for?

  • Promoting interactivity and engagement
  • Adding value to text-based content
  • Improving brand awareness


Conventional presentations though motion graphics by definition, rarely pack the ‘unmph’ and sleek animation transitions that make motion graphics content stand out. When they’re added, however, they turn presentations from boring and monotonous to captivating, dynamic and most importantly engaging.

What Is it good for?

  • Explaining ideas, products and services
  • Presenting business-related stats
  • Making a pitch

UI animations and animated Icons

image showing the importance of animated UI elements and icons
Animated UI elements and icons improve engagement an drive conversions

When components of the user interface, be it icons, graphic panels, screens and all of that stuff, take on some form of animation, they become UI animations. UI animations inject life into the traditional UI/UX experience allowing users to get some sort of feedback and interactivity as they use apps, websites or social media pages.

What’s it good for?

  • Improving interactivity
  • Improving engagement
  • Improving the general user experience

If you’re the typical business owner or entrepreneur, your needs should align with one of these motion graphics content types. Now that you have an idea of what you want and what fits what you want, let’s head over to the business of actually finding a motion graphics designer.

Where to find freelance motion graphics designers

Motion graphics designers hang out in places all over the internet (and offline too). If you’re here, I’ll guess you care only about the online location to find a skilled motion graphics designer. That’s what I’ll talk about, and for simplicity, I’ve grouped them into three broad categories:

  • Portfolio boards, forums and websites
  • Agencies
  • Freelance websites

Portfolio boards, forums and websites

Image showing steps to hiring a motion graphic artist on  portfolio sites
Steps to hiring a motion graphics artist on portfolio sites

What better place to find a motion graphics designer than where they show their skills, right? Portfolio boards and forums are sites where motion graphics designers showcase their works. The best portfolio websites bear a lot of similarities to social media sites.

There are options to like and share motion graphics design content as well as buttons for following motion graphics designers.

This system allows outstanding motion graphics designs and their creators to stand out from the crowd making it relatively easy to find skilled freelance motion graphics artists.

Since portfolio websites are more of social media sites than they are hiring sites, pulling a motion graphics artist off one of them can be a little bit tricky. Here’s how I approach the situation.

Use the search functionality

Once I’ve figured out my need, I know what motion graphics design service I’m looking to get. Assuming I want an explainer video, I simply type in the keyword ‘explainer video’ into the search bar of whatever portfolio site I’m on.

This should return a list of explainer videos usually ‘ranked’ by how many likes, shares or comments they had.

Take a pick

I then go through the results with the hope of finding something that appeals to my taste. Once I’ve found a design that fits the bill (usually, I find a couple of designs), I navigate to the creator’s page.

Send a message

Most of these portfolio sites have a messaging functionality that allows you to interact directly with motion graphic artists. A one-liner like ‘Hiya! Nice designs you’ve got there. Are you open to taking up some commissions’ should work.

Iron out the details

Once I get a reply, I proceed to describe what I want and then negotiate the rates. Once everything is settled, it’s on to drafting up a contract using a contract drafting software and then getting the freelancer to sign.

A note on payments

When dealing with freelance motion graphics artists on portfolio websites, it’s important that you set up payment using a service that offers dispute mediation, something like PayPal. An even better alternative would be to place your order using the freelancers’ freelance gig page – many will ask profiles set up on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer.com – so ask.

If a freelancer fails to deliver as per the project requirements paying through a mediated service should protect your money.

The advantages of hiring a motion graphics artist using a portfolio board, forum or website

Why should you use the portfolio route for hiring a motion graphics designer compared to other hiring channels?

It’s easier to find quality talent

With portfolio boards, forums or channels, it’s easier to find top-tier motion graphics design talent because you’re sorting your options purely based on the quality of work. Here you see designers based on their work and not because of their marketing or promotional skills, as is sometimes the case with Agencies and designers on freelance sites.

You have diverse options

Portfolio sites host freelance motions graphics designers in huge numbers. Virtually every motion graphics designer worth their onions curate a portfolio site.

The drawbacks

Portfolio sites are first, media sharing sites, before hiring platforms

Hiring is tricky, and not every designer you contact will reply to your inquiry. Most sites are not optimized for finding and hiring talent, so they don’t equip you with the tools to make this happen smoothly

Your best fit motion graphics designer might not be a professional

Some of the best motion graphics designers you’ll find on portfolio websites are not business professionals in the exact sense of the phrase. What they are, are very skilled talent, but their lack of business and professional skills might affect the outcome of your motion graphics project

Agencies for motion graphics artist

Motion graphics design agencies offer motion graphics design production as a service. Basically, they’re design centers for a freelance motion graphics artist working under one umbrella agency.

The agency is responsible for managing the freelance graphics designers under its coffers. Usually, talent you’ll find here is thoroughly vetted and routinely assessed. And unlike Portfolio or freelance sites where you have to do the sorting, hiring and managing yourself, Agencies offer a managed service that handles all of that business.

How to go about hiring an agency for your motion graphics design needs

image showing Steps to hiring a motion graphics designer on agency sites
Steps to hiring a motion graphics designer on agency sites

A quick Google search for ‘motion graphics agencies’ should return a long list of agencies with freelance motion graphics artists ready for hire. The problem with that approach is the results you see are for agencies with the best search engine optimization, not necessarily those with the best talent.


So instead of searching, what I do most times is ask for referrals either from friends or from forums like Reddit. But again, depending on the job I need done, I might not get any answer and, in those cases, using search engines is a must.

Portfolio screening

How do you make sure you’re getting top talent from agencies sourced through search engines? Portfolios! I make sure to ask for their portfolio page so I can see their work quality.

One easy way to know an agency is not really what it claims to be is to check the number of design samples on their portfolio page. Small numbers in the 5-10 indicate a lack of experience. You should go with agencies that have a decent amount of portfolio samples or past-client sample work.

Placing an order

You must provide all the details of how you want your motion graphics project in the project requirements. Most agencies treat project requirements as the job contract, and most will ignore anything outside those requirements.

Additionally, you could schedule a meeting to explain your objectives.

The advantages of hiring a motion graphics artist using an agency

Given the somewhat twisted process of hiring a motion graphics design agency, why bother?

Agencies provide a managed service

So you don’t have to deal with the freelancer in person or bother about timelines, quality of delivery and all of that time-consuming stuff. If you’re a business owner with a lot on your hands, you’ll want to focus on more productive aspects of your business. Motion design agencies can provide that service.

Agencies are more professional

Communication is faster, delivery timelines are usually on schedule, and there’s little to no friction in terms of expectations and reality. The best motion graphics design agencies will even assign a dedicated project manager to you.

Quality is usually high

You’ll usually get better motion graphics design with agencies, provided you did your screening properly. That’s because reputable motion graphics agencies have a really higher bar of entry for recruitment. They hire the best and put up measures to ensure the best deliver their best work with all projects.

The drawbacks

It’s expensive

You’ll pay for that managed service, for the extra administrative costs and for the management profits, in addition to the freelancers’ rate. Everything is bundled into one package, of course, but in the end, that package includes all I just described.

Might not be flexible

Sometimes you need flexibility to produce a well-round motion graphics design. Flexibility in the sense of being able to make modifications after the final draft is received or institute a big change from the original project design. Most agencies don’t do this without charging extra.

Freelance sites for hiring a motion graphics artist

image showing Steps to hiring a motion graphics designer on agency sites
Steps to hiring a motion graphics artist on freelance sites

Think of freelance websites as the online eCommerce stores for freelancers, motion graphics designers included. The best ones like Fiverr and Upwork house some top tier motion graphics talent, but you need to be nifty with your selection process to get through to those. Here’s how you should go about it;

Search for a motion GFX artist based on your needs

Need an explainer video made? Search for ‘explainer video’ using the freelance sites’ search bar. Virtually all freelance sites rank freelancers on the platform based on their performance and quality of service delivery. When you perform a search for any service, the search results will consist of the best performing motion graphics designers who fit your needs.

Check their ratings

One good thing about freelance websites is that they allow past clients to leave reviews about the services they’ve received. These reviews can be used to grade the skill, expertise and professionalism of the freelance motion graphics designer. Here’s how to use reviews on freelance sites effectively;

Pay less attention to the five-star reviews

Most freelancers you’ll see from search will have an excess of them anyway since search results on freelance websites return the best performing motion graphics designers – one of the ways performance is gauged is through the number of five-star reviews.

Focus on the not so positive reviews

Especially the three, two and one-star reviews. These reviews are more likely than not to point out the ‘hidden’ issues with any freelance motion graphic designer you find on freelance sites, and trust me, there can be issues.

If a three-star review acknowledges the skills of a motion graphics freelance designer, for instance, but then goes on to point out that they’re poor on communication, then that’s something to consider. If there are several one-star reviews highlighting the same issue, then there’s a high chance you’ll encounter said issue if you push through with the freelancer

Make a list

Draw up a list of prospective hires from your reviews assessment.

The advantages of hiring a motion graphics artist using a freelance website like Fiverr

It’s affordable

Freelance sites like Fiverr are insanely popular for their cheap services, and that’s including motion graphics design services. You could get an animated logo or icon for as low as $5 on Fiverr, for instance.

But beware, with graphics design, you usually get what you pay for, and this piece by Cracked highlights the nuanced differences between hiring a cheap freelance graphics designer and a professional but highly-priced alternative.

There’s an immense pool of talent to choose from

Motion graphics designers from all parts of the world converge on freelance websites to offer their services. As a result, you get a huge selection of artists with different styles, end-products and tools at your service.

The drawbacks

Freelancers typically require a lot of man-management

Unlike agency freelancers or those picked off portfolio sites (who don’t have an army of clients breathing down their necks, freelance motion graphics artists sourced from freelance sites like Fiverr usually work with multiple clients simultaneously.

For you, that means less attention paid to your project and less time spent completing it. Many times you’ll have to constantly check up on them or even outright hound them to get your project completed.

There’s a lot of unprofessionalism on Freelance websites like Fiverr

Unprofessionalism could be anything from missed deadlines, poor communication to rude freelancers. And this is something you usually discover after you’ve paid for your project.

Of the three options for finding a freelance motion graphics designer, which do I recommend? Well, again, it is all based on your needs.

Portfolio sites are ideal for when you need original motions graphics content.  The hiring process is a little bit drawn out, so you’ll need time to go from finding a motion graphics designer to actually hiring one. Not the best option if you’ve got your hand busy with other things

Agencies provided a more hands-off approach to hiring a freelance motion graphics design artist. Most times, all you need do is provide your requirements, and off you go.

Freelance websites are generally easier to use than the other two options. You also get a bigger selection of freelance motion graphics designers, so this is the ideal place to search if you’ve got specialty needs. It’s overall, cheaper too, but you must be careful not to fall into the trap of chasing cheaply priced services that almost always deliver poor motion graphics content

Picking the best fit freelance motion graphics professional – what to consider

Most of what I’ve described up there is usually enough to get to the doorsteps of a skilled motion graphics designer. However, if you’re looking to commission a rather big project, you’ll want to double down on the details to make sure you’re hiring the best of the best. Here’s how to hire a motion graphics designer the detailed and effective way.

I’m assuming you’ve already made a list of potential hires using the techniques I described earlier. Let’s take it on from there:

Assess their portfolios

It’s easy to tell a good motion graphic design job from a bad so feel free to rely on your sense of judgment here. Number of projects in said portfolio is absolutely important – the higher, the better and except you’re absolutely convinced by the quality of what you see you shouldn’t hire a designer with less than five projects to his name.

Schedule interviews

Screening portfolios should take out a few freelancers from your list. The next step is to schedule interviews with the remaining applicants.

The ideal interview is short, to the point and about the motion graphics artist and their work – not you or your requirements. One strategy I use when hiring both graphic designers and motion graphics artists is to describe what I need done and ask them how they’d go about doing it. That’s opposed to the generic ‘how many years experience’ types of questions.

With their responses, I’m trying to gauge:

  • The ingeniousness of their proposed solution
  • How it aligns with the goals of my project
  • How feasible it is in terms of compliance to my expectations and as it concerns technical limitations

Usually, the answers I get are enough to pick my best fit freelance motion graphics designer from the bunch.

Hiring the freelancer

If you’re hiring via an agency or freelance website, it should be easy to create a contract to complete the hiring process. I’ve already described what you need to do when you hire using a portfolio site.

A few things to note

  • Make sure you’re as explicit as is possible with your project requirements. Requirements are the de facto contract terms, and anything not captured there might not be a valid claim in the case of an issue.
  • Good designers charge ‘good’ money. If it’s too cheap, you’re probably going to get cheap motion graphics design content.
  • Feel free to communicate with your freelancer but don’t go full-on man-management mode. Freelancers are busy people, and you’re not their only client.

To conclude

From start to finish, the process of hiring a freelance motion graphics designer is something that requires a bit of patience if you want to hire only the best – more especially if you’re not going the agency route. But don’t sweat it; if you do it right, it should be a fun and worthwhile mini-adventure. The best part is once you’ve found a skilled designer, you don’t need to embark on another search the next time you want similar content produced.